Pablo’s Taco Drama

Colaiste Feirste & Blessed Trinity
October 19th 2018

Stephen the Demi-God was eating at his favourite place, Pablo’s Tacos, when he saw a car spinning out and completely wrecking the place. Stephen was the only survivor, because he was at the back of the shop. When the car zoomed in, it just missed him; then Stephen ran out of the shop.

Bobby was a joy-rider, he had lost control of the Corsa, because it was snowing. After the car destroyed Pablo’s Tacos, the impact made Bobby unconscious.

When Stephen was walking away, he heard the noise of the rocks hitting the dashboard; so he investigated it, and then he realised it was Bobby. Stephen then decided to help Bobby out of the car; he shook him, and Bobby became conscious again, moving slowly and painfully; there were pebbles falling off his skin. When he moved his limbs, you could hear the sound of rocks scratching against each other.

Stephen said, “Are you okay? Why did you destroy my favourite taco shop and kill all those people?! I banish you to the sun, using my powers!”