Ashfield Boys & St. Genevieve's Girls
October 18th 2018
Onya and Pete were planning to meet each other between their two houses at their favourite café. Pete was a very shy pumpkin because people in school made fun of his head. He had a big orange head.
Pete loved Onya because he could be himself around her. Onya was pale. People found her appealing, and she had an onion head. She was born with an onion head because when her mum was pregnant, she ate onions for nine months.
They went to drink coffee. While they were there, they got food as well. They liked burgers. Pete had something special planned. Onya went to take a bite out of her burger and bit into something hard and broke a tooth, nearly choking on it. She spat something shiny out. It took her a minute to realise what she’d spat out, and then she saw it was an engagement ring.
‘What’s this?’ said Onya. She was shocked.
Pete started to cry. He took the ring and got down on one knee.
‘Will you marry me?’ asked Pete.