Forbidden Love

St. Genevieve's High School, Y9
April 20th 2018

Sammy lived in a mystical forest, which could be scary sometimes. Sammy was a purple dragon with green spots and, when he was a baby, he lost his left wing. Sammy had been a captured by a human who wanted to use him for ransom because Sammy’s mummy and daddy were the leaders of all the dragons. Sammy lost a wing during his escape.

There were vampires and dragons living in the mystical forest and they did not like each other… until one day, a vampire and a dragon who liked each other had a child. And her name was Velma.

Velma was neither a vampire nor a dragon; she was a VampDrag. Velma was really clumsy and had no common sense. But, she liked to sing and rap and she was really good at it.

Sammy could see that Velma was watching him all the time because she fancied him. Velma expressed herself through singing. Velma rapped and sang about Sammy but Sammy’s mummy and daddy didn’t want him hanging out with Velma because they didn’t agree with vampires and dragons mixing together.

One day, Sammy was in the field trying to fly when he noticed Velma watching him. ‘Have you been stalking me?’ said Sammy suspiciously. ‘You’ve been following me again!!!’

‘Well, yeah,’ said Velma sarcastically, ‘I have but, like, you should know that… Where you going?!’

‘Away from you!’, roared Sammy.

‘Sammy, no, I love you, Sammy, please! Marry me!’ screamed Velma desperately.

‘You know we’re not allowed to be together,’ whispered Sammy sadly.

Velma said, ‘What do you mean???’…