DJ Burnsie and the Adventures of Craigie

Blessed Trinity College, Y9
April 13th 2018

Burnsie woke up one afternoon in the flats. He lived in Belfast and was training for his first fight. He lived by himself - except for his robot girlfriend, Saoirse.

He heard a knock on his door and went to answer it. It was Craigie, his football-mad, long lost friend from primary school.

“What’s the cracken lacken sweet cheeks?” said Burnsie.

Burnsie had been at the Shamrock the night before and was hungover.

“Do you wanna go to the gym with me?” said Craigie, bored.

“I really need to go the gym and train for this fight with Ninja Cappollo,” Burnsie replied.

“You need to sort yourself out or Ninja’s gonna slap you! You’re gonna need to use your super powers…”