The Holiday Love Affair

St. Genevieve's High School, Y9
April 18 2018

Charlie was selling ice-cream as usual from his ice-cream van. It was parked at the side of the beach. He parked it there every morning and stayed there until dusk.

It was lunchtime: the busiest time of the day. His van had broken down on the way to the beach. He didn’t have enough money to fix it because there was a rival ice-cream van. His day was going really bad - and then he saw Lucy.

Lucy was on her way to the beach with her husband, Mike. Her husband was abusive. They weren’t enjoying their holiday.

“I’m too warm,” she said, “I’m going to get ice-cream.” It was an excuse to get away from Mike.

Charlie was trying to draw attention to his van. He could see the other ice-cream van. They had a big queue.

Charlie saw Lucy walking up. He noticed she was crying and he felt bad for her.

“Everyone come get your ice-cream!” Charlie shouted.

“Can I have one?” said Lucy.

“Yeah, ok. Here you go,” said Charlie.

“How much?” she asked.

“Four pound,” he replied.

“I can’t find ma purse,” Lucy said, looking in her bag.

“Em. That’s ok,” said Charlie, “You can just have it for free. What’s your name?”

“Lucy. What’s yours?” said Lucy.

“I’m Charlie. Here is something for you.” Charlie handed her his phone number…