The Animal Whisperer

Cranmore Integrated Primary School and Old Warren Primary School - P6 Shared Education Group
January 26th 2023

It started with a little dog. Peanut was Lucy’s first best friend. When Lucy was four and she first got Peanut, she was holding her when all of a sudden, Peanut started to talk to her. 

‘Hi, do you want to be my friend?’ said Peanut.
‘Yes!’ Lucy replied, ‘But hold on a second…’
She went to tell her mum but her mum didn’t believe her!

Fast forward a few years, she went into a forest and tried to talk to a lizard.
Lucy explained, ‘I’ve come to see if I can talk to other animals.’
‘Hello girl,, said the lizard, ‘how come you can actually speak to animals?’
‘I want to test my powers,’ replied Lucy, ‘I was born with them..

A couple of months later, Lucy moved to Australia. On her birthday, her mum gave her a pet koala. 
‘This koala was found on the ground. It had been attacked by green ants. We are hoping you can help,, said Lucy’s mum.

The koala was in a gift box but when Lucy’s mum tried to pick it up, it held on tightly to the box.
‘Hi little girl,’ said Lucy, ‘it’s okay, I am nice and friendly..
The koala then jumped into Lucy’s arms.
‘Your name is going to be Daisy,’ said Lucy.

Character ideas. Illustration by Emma Gibb

But Lucy didn’t know what was in store for her, she didn’t know that her ability to talk to Daisy might fail one day…