Michelle's Return

St. Genevieve's High School, Y9
May 11 2018

It’s 2004 and Jane, the forensic pathologist, is still waiting to find a husband…

Jane is at home at the dinner table with her twin girls Sophie and Amelia and she tells them to stop playing with their food.  In the background, Jane is busy on an online dating website as she is looking for ‘The One’ – the man of her dreams.

Jane is worried about finding the wrong man again, the second time around, because the girls’ Daddy was a bad man.  While she is browsing the online profiles, her best friend Michelle comes up behind her and gives her a fright!

She gets such a fright that she throws her phone across the room and her girls are scared and confused.

“Go to bed girls! It’s past your bedtime” (Jane wanted the girls to go to bed so she could talk to her best friend).

While she’s talking to her friend, the twins are eaves-dropping on the stairs, looking through the bannister into the living room and they are wondering why their Mum is talking to herself.

“Michelle, I haven’t seen you in ages! Long time, no see!” says Jane in a voice crackling with emotion.

Jane is really surprised because this is the first time she has seen Michelle since before she died.  Jane starts to cry.