The Pillow People and the Land of Couch

Ashfield Boys High School
May 10 2018

It was all quiet and peaceful in the Land of Couch. The inhabitants, the Pillow People, played joyfully until one fateful day when tragedy happened…

Pillow Philip told Pillow Pete not to go to the swimmers because the furniture was being moved. The family that lived in the house was moving - but Pete didn’t listen and went anyway. Philip was still in the couch when Pete was away at the swimmers.

When Pete came back he saw the couch being loaded into the lorry and, just as Pete tried to run and jump into the couch, the lorry door shut. Pete was horrified and sad. He regretted not listening to Philip.

The next day a young girl went across the street and she saw Pete. She said to her mum, ‘Can I keep this?’ The little girl went to pick him up and she brought him home but the next week the little girl got a new toy and Pete was thrown down the back of her sofa.
Ten years later…

Pete was on his way into Lisburn Swimmers when he saw his cousin Philip. He wasn’t sure at first if it was Philip but he walked up closer and he noticed that it was really Philip!

Pete sneaked over to Philip and said, ‘Philip, wait Philip! Is that you???’

‘Pete! No way is that you?!’ said Philip, shocked. ‘It’s been a very long time since we saw each other. What are you doing here?’

Pete replied, ‘I’ve been here my entire day, I love swimming! Where have you been?!’

‘Well, after the humans moved house they ditched the sofa and I’ve been living there ever since,’ replied Philip. ‘So, how did you get out of your sofa?’

Pete answered, ‘Well, I go under the carpet so nobody sees me. How did you manage to get here without being noticed???’