Clumsy Carter, the clumsy hero and the villain, Robin Robins.

Taughmonagh Primary School, P6
May 17th 2018

Clumsy Carter was a man-child who was funny. He was a childish hero.  

Sometimes to give himself an advantage over the villains he annoyed them so much that they just gave themselves in to get away from him.  He annoyed them by singing and saying ‘Jammy, Joe’ and ‘Hi’, a lot!

One day he was watching the LA news and Robin Robins was on the news.  He had escaped from jail.  He was saying that no super hero could beat him. Clumsy Carter decided he wanted to prove him wrong.  It infuriated him that Robin Robins was so proud of escaping.

He travelled from Belfast to LA in his private jet to try to defeat Robin Robins and to try to stop him from scamming people.  When he got there Robin Robins tried to steal his jet.  Robin Robins wanted to frame him for something he didn’t do.

‘I’m going to steal your private jet!’ said Robin Robins, cheekily and confidently.

‘The only time you’ll get my private jet is in your dreams,’ said Clumsy Carter.  ‘If you steal my private jet, I’ll get you back in jail.’ …