The Three-headed Destiny

St. Genevieve's High School, Y9
April 24 2018

Once upon a time in Flametopia there was a dragon named ‘Sheldons’.  They were no ordinary dragon. They didn’t have one, but three heads.

Day in, day out the three heads were always arguing.  They had one wish in life and that was to have separate heads.  

‘I want the last bit of ham!’ said Sheldons.

‘None of you are having it!’ shouted Billy, their friend, the bear.  He was usually very calm and collected, but today he was having a bad day.  He shoved the ham in his own mouth and walked out.

‘All I want to do is separate from you, because we are always fighting.’ exclaimed Sheldina.

Sheldina was in love with Billy.  She was very upset and wanted to go and run after Billy, but her two brothers pulled her back…