The Inside Life of a Witch

Colaiste Feirste
April 26 2018

Bethany was walking down the street on her way to the protest when she saw someone in white, high-quality thigh-high glittery boots and he started shouting at her. Stevo was protesting with a couple people outside the main Royal Gardens. The protestors disagreed with magic being practised in the Royal Gardens. They also didn’t believe that their kids should be seeing such horridness.

Stevo pointed at Bethany and shouted, ‘Heathen! You are some magic folk, why are you here???’

Bethany retorted defensively, ‘Because I’m protesting about why I should be able to use my magic!’

Stevo was screaming angrily and worriedly, ‘You’re protesting at an anti-protest!!!’

‘Yeah… why wouldn’t I?’ replied Bethany.

Stevo approached Bethany aggressively and said, ‘We don’t care what you think, you Schleffer-loving Witch! Witches don’t have rights! You deserve to be burned at the stake!’

Bethany clicked her fingers and Stevo’s boot lit up quick as a match. Stevo bounced around the street like a child.

Bethany snickered and said, ‘Well, maybe if you guys stopped being so dramatic. We would do it out of the way but we do it in front of youse to annoy youse! We want to make a point of how childish you all act!’