The Inventors of Spooky Cinema Powers

Mitchell House, Y9
April 9th 2018

Dylan was at the cinema with his friend, Ron.  He was about to start work.  It was the middle of the night and it was a special screening of “It”.
Dylan was making popcorn and selling tickets AND he was the projectionist.  He had quite a lot of jobs in the cinema!  Ron liked to help him.  The screening was about to start and tickets were selling like mad, because it was so popular.  
Ron could make clones of himself by using his superpowers.  Ron had kept this secret for his whole life.  
‘Ron, I saw stuff moving, said Dylan. ‘The popcorn was popping itself!  It had to be you.  You’re the only person in the cinema.’
 ‘There is no easy way to break it to you Dylan, but I sort of have a power that I can’t explain,’ said Ron.
 ‘What?! You have a power? shouted Dylan. ‘Why have you not told me this before? What are your powers?’….