The Wildlife Friends

St. Oliver Plunkett Primary School, P5
8th November 2022
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Phoebe who had a best friend named Betty, who she met when they were three years old. They both had big fears. Phoebe was really scared of snakes, and Betty was really scared of tigers. The only problem was that Phoebe could turn into a snake and Betty could turn into a tiger which made them petrified of themselves! 

They had a really good relationship and they went out every day, but something was going to happen soon. 

Phoebe saw a dinosaur who was on the phone to his manager. The manager said to the dinosaur, “You need to take Phoebe and Betty to animal control.” Phoebe was shocked and ran to Betty’s house and told her what happened. She said, “Let’s run away, but let’s go to the coffee shop first.” 

They went to a coffee shop and saw a boy called Patrick who was the owner. They were afraid of him because they had seen him turn into a dinosaur before. After they left the coffee shop, they saw Patrick again. He captured them and took them to animal control and put them in a cage. Patrick brought them a drink and put it through the bars of the cage, but he had poisoned it.  

Phoebe said to Betty, “I think this water is poisoned because it is purple.” 

Betty said, “Let’s run away!” 

Betty turned into a tiger and broke through the bars. Phoebe turned into a snake and followed her out. They ran as fast as they could and finally got to Betty’s house. They turned on the TV to watch the news. The news said that every school was closed until they find Betty the tiger and Phoebe the snake...