Finding the Key

St. Oliver Plunkett Primary, P5
9th November 2022

An evil jelly created a massive nuclear waste cloud. It covered the city and Tank the dog was infected by it. He grew to an enormous size. Tank passed out after being shot in the eyes and woke up two hours later and wished to get payback. All of the jellies from Planet Jelly arrived on Earth. They wanted to take over the world! 

In order to defeat these jellies he had to go across the world to meet a really smart jelly. The evil jellies had locked up and hidden the smart jelly away. Tank had to find the key to release the smart jelly. He knew the key was in Russia from a signal from his friend Pablo up in the clouds above. Pablo came down to help Tank. 

Pablo and Tank said, ‘Let’s get a taxi to the airport to get a plane to find the smart jelly.’ 

The evil jellies were sitting at the airport waiting for them. They had the whole airport covered with bombs. Pablo and Tank were prepared and started attacking back. Pablo went up into the underworld and got his four brothers. They all had different fighting powers. 

Then a giant banana called Bob came in and said, ‘I’ll beat you at Rock, Paper, Scissors and take all your bombs away!’ He won at Rock, Paper, Scissors and went on the aeroplane without the evil jellies. 

They found the smart jelly in the cage, unlocked the cage but the alarm went off when they let him out. And all the evil jellies came running in…. 

Character Ideas by St Oliver Plunkett P5