The Stolen Teddy

Augher Central Primary School, P5/6
5th October 2022
A 100 Years Project workshop

There once was a Banana called Bob Bonini. He loved to eat tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He even ate them for a snack. It was a well known fact that Bob Bonini had the world’s biggest tongue. He was also a very famous YouTuber. 

One day Bob Bonini was flying around the clouds in Blob Cloudy World. It was an extra cloudy day. He was thinking about how much he wanted a teddy when he discovered a brown fluffy head in the clouds. 

“What could it be?” he thought to himself. He flew over and used his tongue to pick it up. He realised it was a teddy. He was so happy he jumped on the clouds and threw the teddy up in the air and caught it. 

Eva the blob was outside her house mowing her lawn. She saw Bob flying around and knew he was coming back to his house soon. Eva and Bob were neighbours. 

“What are you doing up there?” asked Eva, turning off her lawn mower, and pointing at the sky. 

“Look at the new teddy I got!” said Bob, looking disturbed. “Let’s go inside and eat.”

Eva wondered how she could get the teddy. It was really cute and she was a bit lonely. 

Bob and Eva went into the living room, where they found Unibob the Unicorn and Kittens Mittens the kitten sitting on the sofa, chatting. Unibob and Kittens Mittens looked around…