The Return of the Father

Elmgrove Primary School, P7
November 22 2017

Will and Callie were really shocked to discover they were brother and sister.

Callie said, “We never knew that the half flowers joined together!”

Will trusted in Callie to keep him safe and help him feel stronger to find their parents.  He said, “We know who one of our parents is.  Let’s find the other.”

“Let’s work together,” said Will to Jim and Sophia.

Callie asked Sophia and Jim, “Where is the last spot that you saw our father?”

“We haven’t seen him in a while, but the last place we saw him was at the train station,” answered Jim.

“How about we go down to the train station and see if there are any clues there,” shouted Callie and Will together.

Everyone ran quickly to the station.

“There’s nothing here but benches and train tracks,” said Will in a disappointed voice.

Suddenly a train stopped at the station.   It was empty except for one person.

“We should get on the train and find out who that person is,” said Will.

They were about to get on the train when they saw the mysterious figure leaving it.

Jim and Sophia gasped.

Will shouted.  “STOP!”

Jim and Sophie shouted together, “IT’S HIM.  IT’S YOUR FATHER!”

The mysterious figure stopped, turned around and smiled and asked, “Will, is that you? And Callie too?”

He ran over and swooped them off their feet.