The Fridge Disaster

Victoria Park Primary School, P7
October 26 2017

Lizzie is a rainbow spider and she lives in a science lab.  But she’s not like any other spider – she has special powers. She loves to keep everything clean and tidy for everyone. Because Lizzie is a shapeshifter she is able to clean just about anywhere.

Lizzie is a very nice spider but she does have some fears. The biggest one is a fridge called Cool. Lizzie is afraid of Cool because he keeps out of date food inside him. Every time Lizzie tries to clean the out of date food out it reappears and each time, Cool gets nastier.

One day Lizzie was crying because she’d had enough of Cool, so she went to visit her best friend Billy the buffalo.

‘Billy, I need to tell you something,’ said Lizzie.

‘What is it? I’m in the middle of something,’ said Billy.

‘Today at the science lab I tried to clean Cool but he got even nastier,’ she said.

‘Next time you’re in the lab, bring me with you,’ said Billy.

The two best friends went into another room and decided on a plan…