The Lost Ghost

St. Vincent de Paul Primary School, P5
11th October 2022

Billy the seven year old ghost lived in a big,old wooden shack in a quiet forest at the base of a volcano. The house was abandoned and leaky. Billy died when his school bus crashed into a lake on a school trip because a dog ran in front of it. When the bus crashed into the lake, Billy rose up out of his body and found his way to the house with the dog.

Billy walked through the forest and found food and water, and a really rare, old time machine from the 1500’s. The sun shone through the trees and glinted on the silver of the machine, which had ‘Time Machine’ written on it. 

The machine had a lever and buttons which Billy pulled. Billy and Zack the pug dog went back in time to the 1980’s and became a boy again. There was no internet. Billy went in a minicab to visit his school. The school was made out of wood and it was very different to the school that he was used to. It had no whiteboards, only blackboards. The teachers had to use chalk. 

The grim reaper came down to the forest to collect his soul to take back to heaven, but couldn’t find him. The grim reaper found the time machine and broke it so that Billy couldn’t come back. 

“I really want to go back to heaven. ” Billy said to Zack.