The Golden Touch

The Grimm Reaper doing an obstacle course and his hamster has fallen out of his pocket and puffed up his fur in fright.Nettlefield Primary School, P5
18th September 2024

It was a sunny afternoon, and Jack was taking a walk in the park. Jack was on his way to the obstacle course to do some training. Jack had been training himself for about six months for an obstacle competition. He wanted to get fit so he could fight his enemy. He was worried because he knew his enemy had been training more than him.

Jack had his hamster, Chubby, in his pocket. He brought his hamster everywhere with him.

Goldie was on his way to the obstacle course too, and came running into the park and bumped into Jack. Goldie saw Jack playing with his hamster and got jealous.

“I’m going to get a hamster and show Jack a lesson,” Goldie thought angrily.

Suddenly, Chubby turned gold and fell out of Jack’s pocket. Jack didn’t realise until he was coming out of the park. He went back into the park and saw the hamster on the road. It was golden, black, and white. He thought Goldie had done it.

Jack went up to Goldie and asked, “Did you put Chubby on the road?”

“It wasn’t me,” said Goldie. “Somebody stole my golden powers when I was sleeping…”