Flower and the Quest for 100 Dog Treats

St John's Primary School, P5

24th September 2024


Flower was running through the flowers with her nice fluffy tail and then she saw a dinosaur. 


“Hello,” said the dinosaur. “My name is Terry. What’s yours?”


“My name is Flower and I like to make flowers. My greatest wish is to have 100 dog treats.” She was kind of scared because she had never met a dinosaur before. 


“I’m not a bad dinosaur,” explained Terry. 


“So you’re sure that you’re not here to harm me, right?” Flower said, sounding kind of frightened. 


“I’m SURE sure,” said Terry. Terry asked Flower if she wanted to play in the water. 


Flower said, “No, I hate the water.” She said she hated the water because she doesn’t like getting wet. Then, Terry pushed Flower into the water and started laughing. He did it for a joke. Flower was not happy…