Glor na Mona, Junior Class
January 28th 2016
This is the fantastic story of Patjim, who was born in 1994 on a rainy-sunny day. As always, it was dessert-time on Dessert Island. A glistening rainbow appeared in the sky.
Dessert Island City was under surveillance by the Brussel Sprout Army, who were armed with carrot knives and lettuce guns that shot garden peas.
Patjim’s mum was an ultra-rare rainbow cupcake. The Brussel Sprout Army wanted to capture her because of the special magic in her pastry. They were making a plan in their evil lair, AKA The Cupboard.
“We need a plan. Act fast!” said General Sprout, in a dark and chalky voice.
“Er, Sir… But the city is already under surveillance. What do we do?” squeaked Private Russell, who always sounded like he was talking out of his nose.
“Why would I care? You’re the one on the mission! Go, I tell you. GO! SCOOT! SHIMMY!” shouted General Sprout.
“Excuse me Sir, one of the soldiers has just told me that they know where the ultra-rare rainbow cupcake is… And she’s only after having a baby cupcake!” squirmed Private Russell, sighing.
“Go and get her, now! We haven’t got time for dilly-dallying!,” screamed General Sprout disgustedly. “And don’t forget that baby cupcake!”…