The End is Near

Ashfield Boys High School
June 6th 2018

It was a nice sunny day on the beautiful floating Tropical Islands of Augustus.  It was a bit cold with strong breezes and most of the inhabitants were outside playing volleyball and playing in the sand.

An alarm went off when Neptune seen The Nightmares.  Neptune was an angel and was the wellbeing keeper of the islands.  These enemies of the islands gave bad luck and horrible dreams.

They looked like elves with dark, thick skin.  They could fly on purple smoky clouds. The island creatures fled for their lives when they heard the alarm.  The Nightmares attacked regularly and their bad luck killed the trees, but this time there was something different.  The really bad nightmares had given them stronger energy.

The most powerful Nightmare, Titanis, who was the leader, lured Aurora out by killing the trees around her.  Aurora was the daughter of Mother Nature and she was the guardian of the islands…