Wizard School

Orangefield Primary School, P6
October 10th 2017

Pete was seven years old and he was out playing in his garden. A skeleton dragon swooped down and picked him up.

“What am I doing?!” screamed Pete. “Where did you come from?!”

“My name is Coco,” said the dragon. “You have been chosen to become a wizard.”

Coco wasn’t a normal dragon, he was a skeleton dragon. Pete fell through Coco’s bony, ice-breathing body and landed in a swimming pool.

The swimming pool belonged to Princess Beanbag. She ran out of her house, which was 12 stories high and made out of diamonds. As she was coming down the stairs, she tripped and fell and landed on a beanbag.

Pete jumped out of his skin he was so happy. His heart beeped out of his chest, his cheeks went red and his eyes changed to hearts. Just then, another dragon glided down from the sky. On its back was Mr. Gummy III.

“What’s going on?” asked Princess Beanbag. “How did yous even get here?” She spoke in a Scottish accent.

“Apparently I have been chosen to go to a wizard school,” said Pete.

“Well if you are looking for the Wizard school, it is just around the page,” said Princess Beanbag…