The Wishing Stone


St. Bernard's Primary School, P6
15th September 2022

Flower slapped Winnie the donkey in the face! Flower did this because Winnie accidentally stepped on one of Flower’s petals.  Then Flower found a wishing stone right beside them and it didn’t work. (You have to be nice for the wishing stone to work.)

Flower asked Winnie, “Can you make a wish for me?”

Winnie said, “I will only do it if you’re nice to me.”

Flower said, “Please Winnie, please do it for me.”

Winnie replied, “Only if I get to make a wish too!”

When Winnie tried to make the wish, it didn’t work because Flower was mean and arrogant.

Flower was mean because two years earlier Flower was planted at the front of a cottage among flowers that got burned in a fire - all except Flower.  That made Flower angry and upset and Flower became mean.

Flower didn’t know who did it but saw a leftover bomb. After the fire all these magical trees grew around Flower and it became a magical forest.

After the magical forest grew, flowers from another forest came and started a war.  During the war the worms heard the commotion and came to the forest and started eating their roots.  After the war Flower told Winnie that their greatest wish was to be able to move because if they could have moved they could have saved their flower friends from the fire.

One of the worms ate the wishing stone. Then Timmy the Tiger jumped from a bush and ate the worm with his robotic teeth.  Flower and Winnie got really scared.

Secretly, Winnie was happy that the Tiger had eaten the wishing stone because she wanted the two wishes for herself.

Flower said to Timmy, “Why did you eat that stone? We were going to use it for our wishes.”

Once Timmy the Tiger ate the stone, he was is able to wish for anything …