What's the REAL Secret?

REACT Youth Club
Armagh Robinson Library
16th of May 2022

Oliver was looking through his picture book late one stormy evening and he was looking for  family photos so he could take a step closer to finding out who his family were. He was confused why his parents left him all those years ago and now he wanted to find answers.

He was lying in his living room with his friend Jacob the monkey. It was late in the evening and the rain was battering off the windows. Jacob the monkey started asking him questions about his family. He was curious to find out who they were. Oliver was shocked to hear Jacob the monkey talking and he didn't know how to answer.

"Where is your monkey family?" said Oliver to Jacob.

Jacob replied: "I don't know. They left me when I was a young monkey."

Jacob had a secret and didn't want anyone to know: he had been born a human and got lost as a child while on an adventure with his parents.

He was found and raised by monkeys...