Zoe-Anne’s Adventure

Lara Annett, age 10, Co Down
‘loves David Walliams books’

Chapter 1  

Hi my name is Zoe-Anne Murphy. I am going on an adventure from the stables through the fields to a big big........ I am not going to tell you because that will just spoil the adventure, and please don’t skip away to the end.

I can’t wait! I am going to bring my video camera so then you guys will be there. I’m going with my friends Becky and Jade. They are so funny. Becky has a horse called Bobby and Jade’s horse is called Meagan. My horse is called Jackson, he is such a good horse. Ok guys I have got to go to the stables.

See yous soon.


Chapter 2

Zoe-Anne arrived at the stables. Jade and Becky were already there. They got their horses from the field, brushed them, tacked them up and got on the horses. 

The girls set off chatting and talking. They went into a big field and galloped up to the top of the field and jumped over the stone walls. Then they came to a lane that led them to the forest. They went through the forest, but the horses saw a wolf and spooked. It made the horses gallop straight through the forest. The horses were galloping really fast, so fast that their tails and the girls’ hair was going up in the air. 

They came to the end of the forest and went through a cave. It was wet and muddy and very dark. They came to Zoe-Anne’s grandad’s field. There were large barrels in the field. They galloped over the barrels for while, then continued through the cave.  Eventually they came to a very nice flowery lane and trotted through it for an hour or so. They were talking and chatting and so having fun. They came to another flowery lane and walked through the flowers slowly and carefully with the horses. At the end of the long lane they reached....


Chapter 3

…a lake. They walked the horses into the lake and jumped over a large log. They stopped and had their picnic and then galloped back to the stables to put the horses into the field for the night. After they un-tacked the horses and sorted them out they went to Becky’s house because they were having a sleepover. They had planned to have a movie night in Becky’s room. It was lit up with colourful lights.  

Becky, Jade and Zoe-Anne got changed out of their horse clothes and went to the shop to buy pizza, sweets and juice. When they came back from the shop, Becky’s dad and brother jumped out and scared them from behind the door. The girls all ran up the stairs laughing and went to Becky’s room to settle down for the movie. Becky turned the TV on and gave the remote to the girls to pick a movie, then she went downstairs to the kitchen and put the pizza in the oven. When it was cooked she brought it up to her room. The girls chose a movie, it was called OMG There is a Monster in My Room! They all watched the movie and ate their pizza and sweets. Soon they all fell asleep. When they woke up Sarah dropped Jade and Zoe-Anne off at their houses. The girls all said thanks for having us and we have had the best day of our lives!

Guys I had the best day of my life, I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventure today and I hope I can have another adventure really soon...

Ok guys, see yous next time!