Tom and Tommy’s Adventure

Cónor Fearon, age 9, Co. Down

Tom and Tommy were in their house and Tom and Tommy were bored.

Tom wanted to go to the cinema and Tommy thought that was a great idea. But it wasn't until twenty minutes later they arrived at the cinema and they were watching Lazer Man, a supervillain. His powers were he could shoot a big green ball and he could shoot out green explosions and he could fly! Thirty minutes into the movie and Tom and Tommy were loving it - until they were sucked through the screen! And they were in the movie and they became superheroes. Tom could fly and turn invisible. Tommy could fly and had super strength.

Finally they met Lazer Man. And Lazer Man laughed at them!

But then Tom and Tommy flew up to Lazer Man and beat him up, punched and kicked him and Lazer Man was stopped.

Finally they got sucked back to the cinema and agreed to never go to the cinema ever again.
They decided to read books instead!