
Welcome to our Library of Stories. Please click on the story title to read Chapter 1.
These are collaborative story openings created by school groups and community groups.
Each participant writes their own Chapter 2.

The Dark Secrets

Colaiste Feirste & Blessed Trinity
October 12th 2018

It was a bright but foggy afternoon. Cara was wandering around the park trying to find any traces of her little brother who was missing.  The park was mostly full of trees, with no paths.

While she was walking she saw her friend the werewolf...

The Scrambled Dragon

Coláiste Feirste and Blessed Trinity College
October 5th 2018

A few years ago in Madagascar, a man named Bob Smith was dandering, going on his usual run, when he heard a loud noise and he went over to see what it was and there was a dragon’s egg.

Gomzo the Ghiraft was watching Bob and saw him carrying the dragon’s egg away...

The Old Man with the Beans

Ashfield Boys High School and St. Genevieve's High School
September 28th 2018

It was a Saturday morning and Gineen was tying her shoelaces at the track. Gineen was an inquisitive ten-year-old girl who loved running. She was about to do her four mile run when she spotted Edward...

The Long Lost Vampire

Ashfield Boys High School and St. Genevieve's High School
September 27th 2018

Brenda was a middle aged woman, with dyed blonde hair who really liked biology. She was very unfriendly. Brenda saw Mr. Larvey in the school corridor. ‘I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a long time,’ said Brenda.

Beyond the Shoreline: The Girl Who Discovered She Could Breathe Underwater

Colaiste Feirste & Blessed Trinity, Y9/10
September 21st 2018

The sun was setting, and Barnie was feeling a bit lost and freaked out. She was going to back track her steps when all of a sudden, a small sink hole opened up, and it led to the ocean. She fell down the hole, and went to scream, but couldn’t because all the sand got in her mouth...

Lily and Emré, the Perfect Duo

Southern Health Trust Family Residential
July 28th 2018

Emré had just moved into a new house and all of the lights wouldn’t work. And then he saw one special light bulb. She was shining because she was alive. He turned off the light and all of a sudden he heard a shout…

It was Lily. She shouted ‘how DARE you turn off my light?!!’

Don’t Trust the Stranger

Moville Community College
September 7th 2018

It was a gloomy night in the forest and Sophia, the investigative journalist, was walking about. All she could hear was the screeching of crows, nothing else. She felt alone and scared.

Sophia wondered if this was how her friend felt. It had been two months since she went missing. She had heard about this old man who lived in the forest, and she needed to go talk to him because he had been living there for ages...

The Unicorn and the Giraffe

Southern Health Trust Family Residential
July 28th 2018

One morning, Leo was eating his breakfast. He was a giraffe with magical powers who liked to eat grass.  Leo also liked to sleep.

Leo was on his holidays in Spain and he was eating rice crispies. 

After breakfast, Leo went for a walk and he found a magical door where he met Sophia for the first time.

The Master of Tofu and the Robo-chicken’s Mystery

Ashfield Boys High School
June 13th 2018

Master Yashida was about to close his restaurant, Tofu Dojo, and the last customers were leaving.  Master Yashida was Japanese with a long, thin moustache and he wore a long red cape and a woven hat.  Just then a robo-chicken walked in disguised as a human.  Master Yashida told him that they were closing.

‘Sorry sir, we are just closing,’ he said...
