Today is the Day

St. Genevieve's High School, Y9
April 28th 2016

Dear Diary,        

Today is another day without my mum.  I’m hoping I will find her soon.  It’s been hard since the day she was taken.  It annoys me that Damien won’t be able to come with me to help.

It bothers me that my daddy doesn’t seem to mind that mum’s gone.  I sat up last night thinking about how lonely my mother must be.  I’m going to tell my dad how I feel.

Victoria snapped her diary shut, feeling the anger bubbling up inside her.  She went downstairs to the kitchen and took a deep breath to get up the courage to talk to her dad.

She walked in slowly; she was nervous. Her dad was cooking Sunday dinner in the oven as if nothing was wrong.

“Hiya sweet tooth, why do you look so sad?” he said.

“I want to talk to you about something.” said Victoria

Victoria’s dad was busy pouring gravy into a jug and he didn’t look up at her.

“Dad, please listen. It’s something serious that’s been playing on mind.  It’s been bothering me for quite a while,” Victoria said.

“Can’t you see I’m busy, sweet tooth?” he said. “We’ll talk later.”

Victoria picked up a plate and threw it at the wall.  It smashed into smithereens.

“We’ll talk now,” said Victoria. “It’s about …my mother.”