Tim the Cat and his Super Pal

Speech & Language Unit, Belfast Trust
February 20th 2019

Once there was a hamster.  It was no ordinary hamster.  His name was Super Hamster.

He didn’t know how he got his super powers.  He just woke up with them!

He uses his super-hero powers to fight evil and save people and animals.  When everyone is asleep his big red phone rings when there is trouble.

There was a cat called Tim and he looked through every house looking for food and that was when he saw the hamster.  Tim saw him in his big, black and grey underpants.

When Tim saw him he said, ‘What on earth are you doing in underwear - in the middle of the night?!’

The hamster jumped out of his cage.  He went on top of the cat’s tail and he bit it.  He thought the cat was going to eat him.

‘Why did you do that?  I wasn’t going to eat you!!’ Tim screeched…