A Tale of a Potato

St. Bernard's Primary School, P6
October 18 2017

There was a potato called Bobo. He wanted to get out of his potato packet. The packet was inside the freezer in the frozen aisle in Tesco’s.

A woman called Emma bought the potato packet and a packet of crisps. Inside the packet of crisps was Salty, the potato crisp.

Emma went home and tried to make potato soup.  She opened the packet of potatoes and Bobo jumped out.

‘Ha, ha, ha!’ laughed Bobo.

Emma was shocked. She opened a packet of crisps and Salty jumped out.

‘Are you my daddy?’ Salty asked Bobo in a wee squeaky voice.

‘Maybe,’ said Bobo, ‘but I’ll tell you in a few hours. First we’re going to take over Tayto Park!’

Bobo and Salty left the kitchen and climbed over a guinea pig cage. Salty fell through the bars and landed on top of Lenny when he was sleeping.

‘Hey! Watch it!’ said Lenny. It was really hard to make him out.

Bobo and Salty looked at each other. They were scared. They climbed out of the cage really quickly. Just then, Dr Pineapple jumped out of the fruit bowl and opened the cage. Lenny climbed out and ran quickly after them…