Bunscoil Mhic Reachtain, P4/5
April 11th 2016
Once upon a time there was a baby sun dragon who was best friends with a water dragon. The sun dragon’s greatest wish was to beat the evil cloud dragon.
They lived over in Scotland near a wee shop that only sold Mars bars and crisps. Every day, the sun dragon bought a Mars bar, warmed it up and shared it all melted up with his friend Deedee the water dragon.
Then they would go and play water ball or fire dodge ball in one of their gardens.
The sun dragon’s greatest fear was the Turtle Army because there were tonnes of turtles and only one of him!
“Could you help me to get past the evil Turtle Army?” said the sun dragon to Deedee.
“Yes! Lets put our powers together,” said Deedee…