St. Genevieve's High School, Y10
March 9th 2016
It was lunchtime in St. Appleton’s High School.
Barry and Brianna were going to get their lunch from their lockers.
“Don’t tell Aoife I told you, but she’s spreading rumours about you,” whispered Barry. He didn’t want to say it too loud in case Aoife’s friends were lurking.
“I don’t think Aoife would do that to me,” replied Brianna, as she put the combination in her locker. “She would, she’s a mixer!” exclaimed Barry, leaning against her locker. Aoife walked past with her squad of friends, looking fresh.
As they walked past, they all flicked their hair in sync and laughed. Aoife walked up to Brianna, completely oblivious to Brianna knowing about the rumour.
“Hey Brianna,” said Aoife. “Oh, hi,” replied Brianna, slamming her locker closed. “Are you ready for the sleepover tonight?” asked Aoife. “N-no, I’ve got plans with Barry,” Brianna stuttered. Barry looked puzzled, but quickly caught on, nodding his head in agreement. “We’ve got tickets to the Stone Roses,” Barry said. “My cousin won tickets to that on the radio and she has a spare ticket.
I can come with yous!” said Aoife, excitedly. She was still clueless as to what was going on. Brianna had had enough.
“Why are you making up rumours about me Aoife?” she snapped. “What are you talking about?” said Aoife. “Brianna, I’ll see you in history,” said Barry, as he tried to walk away. “Barry, stay where you are,” said Brianna.
She grabbed him by the sleeve. “Tell me what the rumour was!” “Let Aoife tell you herself,” replied Barry, “I have to go.”
The bell rang and Barry gave it ninety…