Hunterhouse College, Y10
4th March 2025
“I am worried that Jonah’s family is going to poach me,” I cried. “His family hunts people like me, a wild boar.
“This disco is getting really grating. But after all Jonah is my best friend, and I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. Unless he would…”
I could see his family lurking in the corner.
Jonah suddenly appeared behind me and the thought went right out of my head. “Jonah’s family have had it out for me since we became best friends.”
Let me give you some back story. Jonah was the one always by my side when my son went missing. I had never questioned his loyalty until now. For example, earlier I tried to talk to him about how his family made me feel, and he shut me down.
Earlier I heard them mentioning my son’s name and now it all makes sense…