Mig's Big Escape

St. Oliver Plunkett Primary School, P5
23rd November 2022

One day, in the future, Mig was watching his friend Jordan play a football match, then he noticed a woman wearing a shiny necklace. He went down to steal it from her when she wasn’t looking. She was distracted because she was talking to her friend. Mig suddenly noticed she had a baby – and he decided to steal it as well. He decided to kidnap the baby and bring it to the bunker. 

Mig thought “I’m going to kidnap this baby”. 

Five policemen arrive and one shouted “Hands up now or we’ll shoot!”  

Mig said “Oh no! I’m in trouble!” to the policeman, and he brought the baby back. 

He still was holding on to the necklace – he had kept it hidden secretly. He wanted to sell the diamond so he could buy a new car and to buy Jordan a present for his birthday. 

He was brought to jail, but escaped with an invisible crowbar. He put on his special glasses to see invisible objects. He used the crowbar to escape through a vent. 

McKenzie, who was a shapeshifter, was disguised as Mig’s friend Jordan and brought him back to jail...