Mad about the Lost Dog

Moville Community College Transition Year
25th November 2021

“Hi, I know this is last minute,” said Oisin, “but I’m going on holiday. Could you look after my dog?” Ryan took a step back in shock and confusion. It was a cold and windy day in Ballyharry. The clothes on the line were blowing in the wind from the Atlantic. The waves were crashing against the shoreline.

Ryan didn’t like dogs. He started stuttering and mumbling, “is there no one else who can look after the dog?”  No one else lived in Ballyharry so this was Oisin’s last resort. “I trust you the most,” said Oisin, “and I’ll pay you to do it as well.”

“How much are you paying me?” snapped Ryan, “You better make it worth my while.”

‘I’ll just put it in the backyard for a few days,’ thought Ryan to himself. When he saw the Pomeranian, he knew it was going to bark a lot and annoy him….