Jimothy the Tiny Frog

Abbots Cross Primary School, P5
8th May 2024

Once upon a time it was a sunny morning and Jimothy the frog was feeling disappointed because someone stole his tiny PS5.

“I should’ve hidden this where no one could find it,” Jimothy was thinking, “I am going to go back to my house and get Lucifer.” He hip-hopped five miles home.

Lucifer the giant dog was waiting at home for Jimothy. They lived in a humongous house because Lucifer was as big as a building.

“Help me! Someone has stolen my PS5 and I can’t play games anymore,” said Jimothy.

Jimothy was always losing electronics. Lucifer wasn’t surprised that he had lost his PS5. “Fine,” Lucifer said grumpily. “Fine I’ll go back and get it. AGAIN!!”

Jimothy replied loudly, “Somebody took it when I was playing in the park.”

Lucifer said, “But first you will have to tell me what direction he went and what clothes he was wearing.”

The giant dog carried Jimothy on his shoulder and stomped to the park. When they got there, the thief was playing a PS5, but it was a regular-sized PS5, Jimothy noticed.

So where was his PS5?....