The Island of the Lost Pigs

St. Joseph's Primary School, Crumlin, P5
February 24th 2016

Once upon a time there was a 1/3 alien, 1/3 robot and 1/3 human called Kimblickinjay. He had a best friend called Ilickalot who was a giant lollipop.

They were going to America on their private jet to celebrate Kimblickinjay’s 18th birthday. Suddenly the plane ran out of fuel. They crash landed on a desert island. KAPLASH!

‘What was that?’ said Ilickalot.

‘I don’t feel so good,’ said Kimblickinjay, and he passed out.

Suddenly a fireman pig came running out of the bushes!

‘I am Waddle and I’m here to help,’ he said.

Waddle put Kimblickinjay and Ilickalot on his back. He took them back into the bushes to his cave where they were all safe.

‘Thank you,’ said Kimblickinjay as he opened his eyes. ‘What just happened?’

‘We crashed and this pig saved us,’ said Ilickalot. ‘Where are we?’

‘This is my pig tribe and THIS IS OUR ISLAND,’ said Waddle in a booming voice.

Suddenly a shadowy figure walked into the room.

‘Hahaha!’ it laughed. ‘I have this fear toxin, and if those two don’t come with me I’ll spray it all across this island…’