Funny Bus and Doughnut Guy Go on an Adventure

St Vincent de Paul Primary School, P6/7
October 10 2019

It was night time and it was raining and the doughnuts were getting wet.  Doughnut Guy was a big lorry made out of doughnuts.   Funny Bus wanted to help.  Funny Bus lived in the countryside and he told funny stories to his passengers.

The lorry had run out of crumb fuel.  Funny Bus delivered a bucket of crumb fuel to Doughnut Guy.

Doughnut Guy said, ‘Let’s go to Ibiza.’

Funny Bus said, ‘Let’s go to the airport to meet a friend of mine called Plane Man’.

Plane Man is a dump truck. Doughnut Guy and Funny Bus can fit in the back.  When you press the buttons on the back of the dump truck, wings come out.

They are 50 minutes away from Ibiza when they run out of fuel.  Plane Man said, ‘We need to go down!’  He was shivering and tilting sideways…