The Diner Fight

St. Oliver Plunkett  Primary School, P6
7th December 2022

Illustration by Jonathan Beck
Illustration by Jonathan Beck 

Captain Cheeseball got an alert while he was in his headquarters with his best friend Fire Man. The alert said that there was a robbery. Captain Cheeseball said, “Everyone go home, the diner is closing early.”

Captain Cheeseball and Fire Man went upstairs and ran into Bubblenut who was the robber. Fire Man shapeshifted into fire and Captain Cheeseball got ready to launch cheeseballs to fight Bubblenut. Then Fire Man went and pressed a big red button to get their traps ready in case Bubblenut escaped. Captain Cheeseball’s cheeseballs turned against him. When he shot them at Bubblenut, they began to melt and turn into a person. 

Outside Reggie the Reptile, who was a shapeshifting reptile, turned into somebody who looked like Captain Cheeseball. Fire Man was getting ready to save the day by preparing to breathe fire.

Captain Cheeseball said to Fire Man, “You go that way and I’ll go this way, and we will try to capture Bubblenut.”

Fire Man replied, “Reggie the Reptile is the oblivious one, so let’s try to capture him first.”

They ran outside to capture Reggie the Reptile, but they couldn’t find him. Fire Man looked back to say something to Captain Cheeseball, but but couldn't see him. Suddenly Captain Cheeseball appeared, but Fire Man didn’t know that it was really Reggie the Reptile in disguise. Fire Man saw a flash in Reggie the Reptile’s eyes and suddenly knew who it was…



Original Sketch from workshop