Deep Into Space

Mercy Primary School, P6
17th November 2022

Bob and Jemima had been friends for over three years now. They met in a bin truck whenever rubbish was taking over their planet. It was sticky, slimy and smelly inside. Bob and Jemima both screamed because they were scared. 

Bob said to Jemima shyly, “Hi, what's your name?” She replied very confidently, “I’m Jemima.”

They also met Blob on the side of the truck. He was slimy and orange and he made a weird noise that sounded like an Xbox dying. 

Bob asked Jemima to help him look around the planets to find diamonds. Jemima told him that she can think of them and they will appear. Bob asked Jemima, “How can you do that? Were you born with that superpower?” Jemima replied quickly, because she was afraid that someone was going to hear them, “Scientists captured me while doing experiments. It was really frightening!”

They made a plan to go to the other planets. Jemima needed to be in an exact place so that she could think of the diamonds. She had to find a cave on each planet. Blob became extremely huge and flew them to a planet that Bob was thinking of. 

When they got to the Planet of the Mushrooms it had steep stairs when they approached it. They had to climb the steep set of stairs to get to the crystal mushroom, but there were two crystal mushroom guards outside a big cave.

It started to collapse as they entered and they couldn’t get out. Jemima screamed and Bob whispered, “Don’t scream, I’m trying to climb up the ladder to see if I can find a way out. We have to do this quietly because there is someone else in the cave…”