Dan’s Tragedy: A Journal from the Great War - WW1

St. Oliver Plunkett Primary School, P6
27th September 2022
A 100 Years Project workshop

Dan was in the English army and he was about to be deployed to World War 1 so he had a book so that he could record his experiences and his last words to his family. 

He was on the battlefield and someone snuck up behind him and he got shot. A man called Mark came up behind him and saved his life, and shot the boy who shot him. The friend helped him and Dan got back up again and started fighting again. 

Next Dan tried to get behind a wall and he wrote down in his book that he almost died but his friend Mark saved him. Dan had been trusted with secret information about the battle but a German named Gerry saw him writing it down. Once Gerry saw that Dan was writing down secret battle information, he chased him down and caught him and found that he was writing about a secret base. 

Gerry tried to grab the book but he grabbed the wrong book. He grabbed the journal that Dan was writing down for his family. When Gerry attacked Dan he broke his legs so Dan had to be rushed off to the field hospital. The doctor who was helping Dan told him the secret code but he wouldn’t tell him what it was for…