Beyond the Shoreline: The Girl Who Discovered She Could Breathe Underwater

Colaiste Feirste & Blessed Trinity, Y9/10
September 21st 2018

The sun was setting, and Barnie was feeling a bit lost and freaked out. She was going to back track her steps when all of a sudden, a small sink hole opened up, and it led to the ocean. She fell down the hole, and went to scream, but couldn’t because all the sand got in her mouth. She struggled to get up, and she felt the water under her feet. The tide was coming in. It pulled her out and swept her away, and she felt her life was going to end.

She panicked: ‘I can’t breathe!’

She took a deep breath by accident in panic when she saw all the creatures. Then she realized she could breathe! She wondered where she was and saw lots of jellyfish and sharks going past her. She was stunned, and she didn’t know what to do.

She fainted, and when she awoke, she was in a cave, and saw a Megladon, a giant prehistoric shark.

‘Welcome to my cave! I’m Jonny,’ said the shark in a very deep voice…