The Amazing Adventures of Mr Carrot

Nettlefield Primary School, 'Home is Where the Heart Is’ Project
November 14 2018

Mr. Carrot woke up one morning and went downstairs. He bumped his head and fell down because of his big head. He got up - it was a bad start to his morning, and his head was sore.

He sat down and thought to himself, ‘I wish I had a family.’

After he thought about having a family he decided to make himself a pancake for his breakfast.

While doing his pancakes, he tried to flip one up in the air and it got stuck upon the ceiling and then it fell down in his face! The pancake was so hot that it burned his eye. He needed to run out of the house and when he got outside he realised that he was really tall.

When he ran out he passed by a palace. It was the perfect size for him, and it was the palace he was day dreaming of. So he knocked on the palace door and called out, but no one answered and he let himself in…