The Alien Misadventure

Glenwood Primary School, P4
February 9th 2018

“I want to go to Earth today,” said Goopie.

Goopie was a grumpy alien and he hated the people who lived on Earth.

“Do you want to come with me, Mrs Goopie, to Planet Earth?” he asked.

“Yes, I do want to go. That would be exciting,” said Mrs Goopie. “Yay! Now I can play tricks on people!”

“Can I play tricks with you too?” said Goopie.

“Let’s get in a spaceship and go to Earth,” said Mrs Goopie.

The spaceship was red and had boosters at the bottom of it to go faster. They got there in 30 seconds.

“What sort of pranks should we do first? Let’s do a classic prank. Let’s get a box, fill it with chocolates and make it explode in their faces,” Goopie said in an excited voice.

“This could be our revenge for when they threw us out last time,” said Mrs Goopie crossly.

“First, what we need to do is we need to find some humans in their houses,” said Goopie. “Let’s go down the chimney and  leave the box of chocolates for them on the table.”

Their spaceship landed on the roof of a house and they jumped down the chimney. When they climbed out it was scarily dark.

Goopie said “Mrs Goopie, will you go and find the light switch, please? I’m scared of the dark!”

Then they fell over the box of chocolates and it exploded!!!