Rossmar Special School KS3 & 4
27th January 2022
It was a very exciting day for Lucy and Michael Henry at school. Lucy has found a bite from last night's party. The bite is very sore and painful and it is on her neck. Lucy does not know at this moment that she has vampire powers.
Lucy and Michael Henry live in Texas and they are going on a school trip to LA. They are both feeling very scared about this trip. Michael Henry is worried about the flight in case his hair, claws and teeth start to show.
‘Are you feeling okay?’ said Lucy.
‘I am scared that something bad might happen,’ explained Michael Henry.
‘What do you mean, something bad?’
‘You don’t know everything about Michael Jackson, he has a deadly secret,’ said Michael Henry.
Lucy hopes she will see Michael Jackson at his concert. Michael Jackson has invited Lucy and Michael Henry to go to dinner, but Michael Henry is not able to go. As Lucy goes to meet Michael Jackson for dinner, Michael Henry is worried that something bad will happen.
While Lucy is at dinner, her schoolmates are visiting Monty the smart orangutan who will also be in LA...