Max’s Wonderful Adventure

Holy Family Primary School, 'Home Is Where the Heart Is' Project
November 30 2018

Max’s mum and dad didn’t know that he was every kind of animal.

Every morning he woke earlier than them so they wouldn’t know that he turned into an animal. They thought he went to school.

Max wasn’t born with his powers. Two years ago, he drank a magic potion and the next morning he woke up and went to get ready for school when he realised he was a llama!

Three weeks later Max was fed up turning into an animal every morning. He felt he had no one to talk to because they wouldn’t understand.

One night he was eating his dinner and he thought, ‘If someone finds out, where will I go? Where do lots of animals live and not many people?’

He thought to himself, ‘I will go to the rainforest!’…