Don’t Trust the Stranger

Moville Community College
September 7th 2018

It was a gloomy night in the forest and Sophia, the investigative journalist, was walking about. All she could hear was the screeching of crows, nothing else. She felt alone and scared.

Sophia wondered if this was how her friend felt. It had been two months since she went missing. She had heard about this old man who lived in the forest, and she needed to go talk to him because he had been living there for ages. Her reliable sources had told her that she should be cautious about approaching this strange man. In the far distance, she could see the shadow of a man, so she walked over.

Phil roared at her, ‘What are you doing in my forest?’

Sophia replied, ‘Looking for my friend. Did you see anyone?’

‘No’ muttered Phil. ‘I did, but I’m not telling you,’ he said under his breath.

‘How long have you been living here?’ asked Sophia, trying to reassure him.

Phil opened up, because he wasn’t used to people talking to him: ‘Twelve years.’

Sophia said, ‘You definitely didn’t see anyone?’

‘I did,’ he said.

Sophia asked, ‘What did you see?’…