Two Friends Live on a Rainbow

Glenwood, Currie and St Mary's Primary School
December 5 2017

One day Twiggy the reindeer was playing with his friend Hetty the hedgehog. They were playing at Hetty’s house.

They were thinking about rainbows. They were imagining that they were on a rainbow.

“Do you want to come and play hide and seek with me?’ said Twiggy.

Hetty said “Close your eyes Twiggy’ and she went away to hide.

She hid in some leaves.

While Hetty was hiding some red ants bit her.  

“HELP! Something’s biting me!! OWWW!” shouted Hetty.

Twiggy was scared of ants but he wanted to help.  “I’m coming to help you!”

Poor Hetty had to get a plaster on the arm.

That was the end of the hide and seek.

Hetty said, “I wish we could go and live on a rainbow where there are no red ants.”

The two of them went to sleep that night.  There was a teddy  bear in the corner that gives wishes but they didn’t know.

In the morning, they woke up, opened their eyes and discovered that they were on a rainbow. Hetty and Twiggy were really excited.

Twiggy said, “Wake up!  We must be in a dream!”

Hetty said, “We have woken up on a rainbow!”

It was cold, a tiny bit sunny and just a little bit wet.  There were clouds around them.

“Look over there!  There is a secret door,” said Hetty.

Twiggy said, “Let’s open it….”