St. Catherine's Primary School, P7
13th December 2022
Once there was a young boy named Frederick and he had a very weird friend. He met his friend called Holly on a ring on the planet Jupiter. Frederick lived on Mars with his Mum and Dad and his fish. He was afraid that an alien called Frank was going to eat his family, even the fish!
“My greatest fear is that the aliens are going to harm us, or worse,” said Frederick to Holly.
Holly replied, “Why are you scared of the aliens? What’s scary about them?”
While Holly was gobbling up a plate of snot, she couldn’t stop farting.
“That smells lovely,”Frederick said sarcastically “I might use that as my new air freshener!”
They looked up to the stars and saw a UFO flying swiftly past the planet, heading straight for Saturn. They heard screams from the people living on Saturn as they saw the UFO approaching…